I pray you all gyue your audyence
And here this mater with reuerence
By fygure a morall playe
The somonynge of euery man called
it is
That of our lyues and endynge shewes
How transytory we be all daye
This mater is wonders precyous
But the entent of it is more gracyous
And swete to bere awaye
The story sayth man in the begynnynge
Loke well and take good heed to
the endynge
Be you neuer so gay
Ye thynke synne in the begynnynge
full swete
Whiche in the ende causeth the soule
to wepe
Whan the body lyeth in claye
Here shall you se how felawshyp
and Iolyte
Bothe strengthe pleasure and beaute
Wyll fade from the as floure in
For ye shall here how our heuen
Calleth euery man to a generall
Gyue audyence and here what he doth
God speketh.
I perceyue here
in my maieste
How that all creatures be to me
Lyuynge without drede in worldely
Of ghostly syght the people be so
Drowned in synne they know me not
for theyr god
In worldely ryches is all theyr
They fere not my ryghtwysnes the
sharpe rood
My lawe that I shewed whan I for
them dyed
They forgete clene and shedynge
of my bloderede
I hanged bytwene two it can not
be denyed
To gete them lyfe I suffred to be
I heled theyr fete with thornes
hurt was my heed
I coulde do nomore than I dyde truely
And nowe I se the people do clene
for sake me
They vse the seuen deedly synnes
As pryde coueteyse wrathe and lechery
Now in the worlde be made commendable
And thus they leue of aungelles
ye heuenly company
Euery man lyueth so after his owne
And yet of theyr lyfe they be nothinge
I se the more that I then forbere
The worse they be fro yere to yere
All that lyueth appayreth faste
Therfore I wyll in all the haste
Haue a rekenynge of euery mannes
For and I leue the people thus alone
In theyr lyfe and wycked tempestes
Verly they wyll become moche worse
than beestes
For now one wolde by enuy another
vp ete
Charyte they do all clene forgete
I hoped well that euery man
In my glory shulde make his mansyon
And therto I had them all electe
But now I se lyke traytours deiecte
They thanke me not for ye
pleasure yt to them ment
Nor yet for theyr beynge that I
them haue lent
I profered the people grete multytude
of mercy
And fewe there be that asketh it
They be so combred with worldly
That nedes on them I must do Iustyce
On euery man lyuynge without fere
Where arte thou deth thou myghty
Almyghty god I am here at your wyll
Your commaundement to fulfyll.
Go thou to euery man
And shewe hym in my name
A pylgrymage he must on him take
Which he in no wyse may escape
And that he brynge with him a sure
Without delay or ony taryenge.
Lorde I wyll in the worlde go renne
ouer all
And cruelly out searche bothe grete
and small
Euery man wyll I beset that lyueth
Out of goddes lawes and dredeth
not foly
He that loueth rychesse I wyll stryke
wt my darte
His sight to blynde and for heuen
to departe
Excepte that almes be his good frende
In hell for to dwell worlde without
Loo yonder I se Euery man walkynge
Full lytlell he thynketh on my comynge
His mynde is on flesshely lustes
and his treasure
And grete payne it shall cause hym
to endure
Before the lorde heuen kinge
Euery man stande styll whyder arte
thou goynge
Thus gayly hast thou thy maker forgete.
Euery man.
Why askest thou
Woldest thou wete.
Ye syr I wyll shewe you
In grete haste I am sende to the
From god out of his mageste
Euery man.
What sente to me.
Ye certaynly.
Thoughe thou haue forgete hym here
He thynketh on the in the heauenly
As or we departe thou shalte knowe.
Euery man.
What desyreth god of me.
That shall I shewe the.
A rekenynge he wyll nedes haue
Without ony lenger respite.
Euery man.
To gyue a rekenynge longer layser
I craue
This blynde mater troubleth my witte.
On the thou must take a longe Iourney
Therefore thy boke of counte wt
the thou brynge
For turne agayne thou can not by
no waye
And loke thou be sure of thy rekenynge
For before god thou shalt answere
and shewe
Thy many badde dedes and good but
a fewe
How thou hast spente thy lyfe and
in what wyse
Before the chefe lorde of paradyse
Haue I do we were in that waye
For wete thou well yu
shalt make none attournay.
Euery man.
Full vnredy I am suche rekenynge
to gyue
I knowe the not what messenger arte
I am dethe that no man dredeth
For euery man I rest and no man
For it is gods commaundement
That all to me shold be obedyent.
Euery man.
O deth thou comest whan I had ye
least in mynde
In thy power it lyeth me to saue
Yet of my good wyl I gyue ye
yf thou wyl be kynde
Ye a thousand pound shalte thou
And dyffere this mater tyll an other
Euery man it may not be by no waye
I set not by golde syluer nor rychesse
Nor by pope emperour kynge duke
ne prynces
For and I wolde receyue gyftes grete
All the worlde I myght gete
But my custome is clene contrary
I gyue the no respyte come hens
and not tary.
Euery man.
Alas shall I haue no lenger respyte
I may saye deth geueth no warnynge
To thynke on the it maketh my herte
For all vnredy is my boke of rekenynge
But .xii. yere and I myght haue
a bydynge
My countynge boke I wolde make so
That my rekenynge I sholde not nede
to fere
Wherefore deth I praye the for goddes
Spare me tyll I be prouyded of remedy.
The auayleth not to crye wepe and
But hast the lyghtly that yu
were gone ye Iournaye
And preue thy frendes yf thou can
For wete thou well the tyde abydeth
no man
And in the worlde eche lyuynge creature
For Adams synne must dye of nature.
Euery man.
Dethe yf I sholde this pylgrymage
And my rekenynge suerly make
Shewe me for saynt charyte
Sholde I not come agayne shortly.
No euery man and thou be ones there
Thou mayst neuer more come here
Trust me veryly.
Euery man.
O gracyous god in the hye seat celestyall
Haue mercy on me in this moost nede
Shall I haue no company fro this
vale terestryall
Of myne acqueynce that way me to
Ye yf ony be so hardy
That wolde go with the and bere
the company
Hye the that yu were
gone to goddes magnyfycence
Thy rekenynge to gyue before his
What weenest thou thy lyue is gyuen
And thy worldely goodes also.
Euery man.
I had wende so verelye.
Nay nay it was but lende the
For as soone as thou arte go
Another a whyle shall haue it and
than go ther fro
Euen as thou hast done
Euery man yu arte made
thou hast thy wyttes fyue
And here on erthe wyll not amende
thy lyue
For sodeynly I do come.
Euery man.
O wretched caytyfe wheder shall
I flee
That I myght scape this endles sorowe.
Now gentyll deth spare me tyll to
That I may amende me
With good aduysement
Naye thereto I wyll not consent
Nor no man wyll I respyte
But to the herte sodeynly I shall
Without ony aduyesment
And now out of thy syght I wyll
me hy
Se thou make the redy shortely
For thou mayst saye this is the
That no man lyuynge may scape a
Euery man.
Alas I may well wepe with syghes
Now haue I no maner of company
To helpe me in my Iourney and me
to kepe
And also my wrytynge is full vnredy
How shall I do now for to excuse
I wolde to god I had neuer begete
To my soule a full grete profyte
it had be
For now I fere paynes huge and grete
The tyme passeth lorde helpe that
all wrought
For though I mourne it auayleth
The day passeth and is almoost ago
I wote not well what for to do
To whome were I best my complaynt
to make
What and I to felawshyp therof spake
And shewed hym of this sodeyne chaunce
For in hym is all myne affyaunce
We haue in the worlde so many a
Be good frendes in sporte and playe
I se hym yonder certaynely
I trust that he wyll bere me company
Therfore to hym wyll I speke to
ese my sorowe
Well mette good felawshyp and good
Euery man good morowe by this daye
Syr why lokest thou so pyteously
If ony thynge be a mysse I praye
the me saye
That I may helpe to remedy.
Every man.
Ye good felawshyp ye
I am in greate ieoparde.
My true frende shewe to me your
I wyll not forsake the to my lyues
In the waye of good company.
Every man.
That was well spoken and louyngly.
Syr I must nedes knowe your heuynesse
I haue pyte to se you in ony dystresse
If ony haue you wronged ye shall
reuenged be
Thoughe that I knowe before that
I sholde dye.
Every man.
Veryly felawshyp gramercy.
Tusshe by thy thankes I set not
a strawe
Shewe me your grefe and saye no
Every man.
If I my herte sholde to you breke
And than you to tourne your mynde
fro me
And wolde not me comforte whan ye
here me speke
Than sholde I tentymes soryer be.
Syr I saye as I will do in dede.
Every man.
Than be you a good frende at nede
I haue found you true here before.
And so ye shall euermore
For in fayth and thou go to hell
I wyll not forsake the by the waye.
Every man.
Ye speke lyke a good frende I byleue
you well
I shall deserue it and I may.
I speke of no deseruynge by this
For he that wyll saye and nothynge
Is not worthy with good company
to go
Therfore shewe me the grefe of your
As to your frende most louynge and
Every man.
I shall shewe you how it is
Commaunded I am to go on a iournaye
A longe waye harde and daungerous
And gyue a strayte counte without
Before the hye Iuge adonay
Wherfore I pray you bere me company
As ye haue promysed in this iournaye.
That is mater in dede promyse is
But and I sholde take suche a vyage
on me
I knowe it well it shulde be to
my payne
Also it make me aferde certayne
But let vs take counsell here as
well as we can
For your wordes wolde fere a stronge
Every man.
Why ye sayd yf I had nede
Ye wolde me neuer forsake quycke
ne deed
Thoughe it were to hell truely.
So I sayd certaynely
But such pleasures be set a syde
the sothe to saye
And also yf we toke suche a iournaye
Whan sholde we come agayne.
Every man.
Naye neuer agayne tyll the daye
of dome.
In fayth than wyll not I come there
who hath you these tydynges brought.
Every man.
In dede death was with me here.
Now by god that all hathe bought
If deth were the messenger
For no man that is lyuynge to daye
I wyll not go that loth iournaye
Not for the fader that bygate me.
Every man.
Ye promysed other wyse parde.
I wote well I say so truely
And yet yf yu wylte ete
& drynke & make good chere
Or haunt to women the lusty company
I wolde not forsake you whyle the
daye is clere
Truste me veryly
Every man.
Ye therto ye wolde be redy
To go to myrthe solas and playe
Your mynde wyll soner apply
Than to bere me company in my longe
Now in good fayth I wyll not that
But and thou wyll murder or ony
man kyll
In that I wyll helpe the with a
good wyll.
Every man.
O that is a symple aduyse in dede
Gentyll felawe helpe me in my necessyte
We haue loued longe and now I nede
And gentyll felawshyp remembre me.
Wheder ye haue loued me or no
By saynt John I wyll not with the
Every man.
Yet I pray the take ye
labour & do so moche for me
To brynge me forwarde for saynt
And comforte me tyll I come without
the towne.
Nay and thou wolde gyue me a newe
I wyll not a fote with the go
But and yu had taryed
I wolde not haue lefte the so
And as now god spede the in thy
For from the I wyll departe as fast
as I maye.
Every man.
Wheder a waye felawshyp wyll yu
forsake me.
Ye by my faye to god I be take the.
Every man.
Farewell good felawshyp for ye
my herte is sore
A dewe for euer I shall se the no
In fayth euery man fare well now
at the ende
For you I wyll remembre ytptynge
is mournynge.
Every man.
A lacke shall we this departe in
A lady helpe without ony more comforte
Lo felawshyp forsaketh me in my
most nede
For helpe in this worlde wheder
shall I resorte
Felawshyp here before with me wolde
mery make
And now lytell sorowe for me dooth
he take
It is sayd in prosperyte men frendes
may fynde
Whiche in aduersyte be full vnkynde
Now wheder for socoure shall I flee
Syth that felawshyp hath forsaken
To my kynnesman I wyll truely
Prayenge them to helpe me in my
I byleue that they wyll do so
For kynde wyll crepe where it may
not go
I wyll go saye for yonder I se them
Where be ye now my frendes and kynnesmen.
Here we be now at your commaundement
Cosyn I praye you shewe vs your
In ony wise and not spare.
Ye euery man and to vs declare
Yf ye be dysposed to go ony whyder
For wete you well wyll lyue and
dye to gyder.
In welth and wo we wyll with you
For ouer his kynne a man may be
Euery man.
Gramercy my frendes and kynnesmen
Now shall I shewe you the grefe
of my mynde
I was commaunded by a messenger
That is a hye kynges chefe offycer
He bad me go a pylgrymage to my
And I knowe well I shall neuer come
Also I must gyue a rekenynge strayte
For I haue a grete enemy that hath
me in wayte
Whiche entendeth me for to hynder.
What a counte is that which ye must
That wolde I knowe.
Euery man.
Of all my workes I must shewe
How I haue lyued and my dayes spent
Also of yll dedes that I haue vsed
In my tyme syth lyfe was me lent
And of all vertues that I haue refused
Therfore I praye you go thyder with
To helpe to make myn accounte for
saynt charyte.
What to go thyder is that the mater
Nay euery man I had leuer fast brede
and water
All this fyue yere and more.
Euery man.
Alas that euer I was bore
For now shall I neuer be mery
If that you forsake me.
A syr what ye be a mery man
Take good herte to you and make
no mone
But one thynge I warne you by saynt
As for me ye shall go alone.
Euery man.
My cosyn wyll you not with me go.
No by our lady I haue the cramp
in my to
Trust not to me for so god me spede
I wyll deceyue you in your moost
It auayleth not vs to tyse
Ye shall haue my mayde with all
my herte
She loueth to go to festes there
to be nyse
And to daunce and a brode to sterte
I wyll gyue her leue to helpe you
in that Iourney
If that you and she may a gree.
Euery man.
Now shewe me the very effecte of
your mynde
Wyll you go with me or abyde be
Abide behynde ye that wyll I and
Therfore farewell tyll another daye.
Euery man.
Howe sholde I be mery or gladde
For fayre promyses men to me make
But whan I haue moost nede they
me forsake
I am deceyued that maketh me sadde.
Cosyn euery man farewell now
For veryly I wyl not go with you
Also of myne owne an vnredy rekenynge
I haue to accounte therfore I make
Now god kepe the for now I go.
Euery man.
A Iesus is all come here to
Lo fayre wordes maketh fooles fayne
They promyse and nothynge wyll do
My kynnesmen promysed me faythfully
For to a byde with me stedfastly
And now fast a waye do they flee
Euen so felawshyp promysed me
What frende were best me of to prouyde
I lose my tyme here longer to abyde
Yet in my lyfe I haue loued ryches
If that my good now helpe me myght
He wolde make my herte full lyght
I wyll speke to hym in this dystresse
Where arte thou my gooddes and ryches.
Who calleth me euery man what hast
thou haste
I lye here in corners trussed and
pyled so hye
And in chestes I am locked so fast
Also sacked in bagges thou mayst
se with thyn eye
I can not styre in packes lowe I
What wolde ye haue lyghtly me saye.
Euery man.
Come hyder good in al the hast thou
For of counseyll I must desyre the.
Syr & ye in the worlde haue
sorowe or aduersyte
That can I helpe you to remedy shortly.
Euery man.
It is another dysease that greueth
In this worlde it is not I tell
the so
I am sent for an other way to go
To gyue a strayte counte generall
Before the hyest Iupyter of all
And all my lyfe I haue had Ioye
& pleasure in the
Therefore I pray the go with me
For parauenture thou mayst before
god almyghty
My rekenynge helpe to clene and
For it is sayd euer amonge
That money maketh all ryght that
is wronge.
Nay euery man I synge an other songe
I folowe no man in suche vyages
For and I wente with the
Thou sholdes fare moche the worse
for me
For bycause on me thou dyd set thy
Thy rekenynge I haue made blotted
and blynde
That thyne accounte thou can not
make truly
And that hast thou for the loue
of me.
Euery man.
That wolde greue me full sore
Whan I sholde come to that ferefull
Vp let vs go thyther to gyder.
Nay not so I am to brytell I may
not endure
I wyll folowe man one fote be ye
Euery man.
Alas I haue the loued and had grete
All my lyfe dayes on good and treasure.
That is to thy dampnacyon without
For my loue is contrary to the loue
But yf thou had me loued moderately
As to the poore gyue parte of me
Than sholdest thou not in this dolour
Nor in this grote sorowe and care.
Euery man.
Lo now was I deceyued or I was ware
And all I may wyte my spendynge
of tyme.
What wenest thou that I am thyne.
Euery man.
I had went so.
Naye euery man I saye no
As for a whyle I was lente the
A season thou hast had me in prosperyte
My condycyon is mannes soule to
Yf I saue one a thousande I do spyll
Wenest thou that I wyll folowe the
Nay fro this worlde not veryle.
Euery man.
I had wende otherwyse.
Therfore to thy soule good is a
For whan thou arte deed this is
my gyse
Another to deceyue in this same
As I haue done the and all to his
soules reprefe.
Euery man.
O false good cursed thou hast deceyued
And caught me in thy snare.
Mary thou brought thy selfe in care
Wherof I am gladde
I must nedes laugh I can not be
Euery man.
A good thou hast had longe my hertely
I gaue the that whiche sholde be
the lordes aboue
But wylte thou not go with me in
I praye the trouth to saye.
No so god me spede
Therfore fare well and haue good
Euery man.
O to whome shall I make my mone
For to go with me in that heuy Iournaye
Fyrst felawshyp sayd he wolde with
me gone
His wordes were very plesaunte and
But afterwarde he lefte me alone
Than spake I to my kynnesmen all
in despayre
An also they gaue me wordes fayre
They lacked no fayre spekynge
But all forsake me in the endynge
Then wente I to my goodes that I
loued best
In hope to haue comforte but there
had I leest
For my goodes sharpely dyd me tell
That he bryngeth many in to hell
Than of my selfe I was ashamed
And so I am worthy to be blamed
Thus may I wel my selfe hate
Of whome shall I now counsell take
I thynke that I shall neuer spede
Tyll that I go to my good dede
But alas she is so weke
That she can neuer go nor speke
Yet wyll I venter on her now
My good dedes where be you.
Good dedes.
Here I lye colde in the grounde
Thy synnes hath me sore bounde
That I can not stere.
Euery man.
O good dedes I stand in fere
I must you pray of counseyll
For helpe now sholde come ryght
Good dedes.
Euery man I haue vnderstandynge
That ye be somoned of a counte to
Before Myssyas of Iherusalem kynge
And you do by me yt Iournay
wt you wyll I take.
Euery man.
Therfor I come to you my moone to
I praye you that ye wyll go with
Good dedes.
I wolde full fayne but I can not
stande veryly.
Euery man.
Why is there ony thynge on you fall.
Good dedes.
Ye syr I may thanke you of all
Yf ye had parfytely chered me
Your boke of counte full redy had
Loke how the bokes of your workes
and dedes eke
Ase how they lye vnder the fete
To your soules heuynes.
Euery man.
Our lorde Iesus helpe me
For one letter here I can not se.
Good dedes.
There is a blynde rekenynge in tyme
of dystres.
Euery man.
Good dedes I praye you helpe me
in this nede
Or elles I am for euer dampned in
Therfore helpe me to make rekenynge
Before the redemer of all thynge
That kynge is and was and euer shall.
Good dedes.
Euery man I am sory of your fall
And fayne wolde I helpe you and
I were able.
Euery man.
Good dedes your counseyll I pray
you gyue me.
Good dedes.
That shall I do veryly
Thoughe that on my fete I may not
I haue a syster that shall with
you also
Called knowledge whiche shall with
you abyde
To helpe you to make that dredefull
Euery man I wyll go with the and
be thy gyde
In thy moost nede to go by thy syde.
Euery man.
In good condycyon I am now in euery
And am hole content with this good
Thanked by god my creature.
Good dedes.
And whan he hath brought you there
Where thou shalte hele the of thy
Than go you wt your rekenynge
& your good dedes togyder
For to make you Ioyfull at herte
Before the blessed trynyte.
Euery man.
My good dedes gramercy
I am well content certaynly
With your wordes swete.
Now go we togyder louyngly
To confessyon that clensyng ryuere.
Euery man.
For Ioy I wepe I wolde we were there
But I pray you gyue me cognycyon
Where dwelleth that holy man confessyon.
In the hous of saluacyon
We shall fynde hym in that place
That shall vs comforte by goddes
Lo this is confessyon knele downe
& aske mercy
For he is in good conceyte with
god almyghty.
Euery man.
O gloryous fountayne yt
all vnclennes doth claryfy
Wasshe from me the spottes of vyce
That on me no synne may be sene
I come with knowledge for my redempcyon
Redempte with herte and full contrycyon
For I am commaunded a pylgrymage
to take
And grete accountes before god to
Now I praye you shryfte moder of
Helpe my good dedes for my pyteous
I knowe your sorowe well euery man
Bycause with knowlege ye came to
I wyll you comforte as well as I
And a precyous Iewell I will gyue
Called penaunce voyce voyder of
therwith shall your body chastysed
With abstynence & perseueraunce
in goddes seruyce
Here shall you receyue that scourge
of me
Whiche is penaunce stronge that
ye must endure
To remembre thy sauyour was scourged
for the
With sharpe scourges and suffred
it pacyently
So must yu or thou scape
that paynful pylgrymage
Knowlege kepe hym in this vyage
And hy tyme good dedes wyll be with
But in ony wyse be seker of mercy
For your tyme draweth fast and ye
wyll saued be
Aske god mercy and he wyll graunte
Whan wt the scourge of
penaunce man doth hym bynde
The oyle of forgyuenes than shall
he fynde.
Euery man.
Thanked be god for his gracyous
For now I wyll my penaunce begyn
This hath reioysed and lyghted my
Though the knottes be paynfull and
harde within
Euery man loke your penaunce that
ye fulfyll
What payne that euer it to you be
And knowledge shall gyue you counseyll
at wyll
How your accounte ye shall make
Euery man.
O eternall god O heuenly fygure
O way of ryghtwysnes O goodly vysyon
Whiche descended downe in a vyrgyn
Bycause he wolde euery man redeme
Whiche Adam forfayted by his dysobedyence
O blessyd god heed electe and hye
Forgyve my greuous offence
Here I crye the mercy in this presence
O ghostly treasure. O ransomer and
Of all the worlde hope and conduyter
Myrrour of Ioye foundatour of mercy
Whiche enlumyneth heuen and erth
Here my clamorous complaynt though
it late be
Receyue my prayers vnworthy in this
heuy lyfe
Though I be a synner moost abhomnynable
Yet let my name be wryten in moyses
O mary praye to the maker of all
Me for to helpe at my endynge
And saue me fro the power of my
For deth assayleth me strongly
And lady that I may by meane of
thy prayer
Of your sones glory to be partynere
By the meanes of his passyon I it
I beseeche you helpe my soule to
Knowlege gyue me the scourge of
My flesshe therwith shall gyue acqueyntaunce
I wyll now begyn yf god gyue me
Euery man god gyue you tyme and
Thus I bequeth you in ye
handes of our sauyour
Now may you make your rekenynge
Euery man.
In the name of the holy trynyte
My body sore punysshyd shall be
Take this body for the synne of
the flesse
Also thou delytest to go gay and
And in the way of dampnacyon yu
dyd me brynge
Therfore suffre now strokes of punysshynge
Now of penaunce I wyll wade the
water clere
To saue me from purgatory that sharp
Good dedes.
I thanke god now I can walke and
And am delyuered of my sykenesse
and wo
Therfore with euery man I wyll go
and not spare
His good workes I wyll helpe hym
to declare.
Now euery man be mery and glad
Your good dedes cometh now ye may
not be sad
Now is your good dedes hole and
Goynge vpryght vpon the grounde.
Euery man.
My herte is lyght and shalbe euermore
Now will I smite faster than I dyde
Good dedes.
Euery man pylgryme my specyall frende
Blessed be thou without ende
For the is preparate the eternall
Ye haue me made hole and sounde
Therfore I wyll byde by the in euery
Euery man.
Welcome my good dedes now I here
thy voyce
I wepe for very swetenes of loue.
Be no more sad but euer reioyce
God seeth thy lyuynge in his trone
Put on this garment to thy behoue
Whiche is wette with your teres
Or elles before god you may it mysse
Whan ye to your iourneys ende come
Euery man.
Gentyll knowlege what do ye it call.
It is a garmente of sorowe
Fro payne it wyll you borowe
Contrycyon it is
That getteth forgyuenes
He pleasyth god passynge well.
Good dedes.
Euery man wyll you were it for your
Euery man.
Now blessyd be Iesu maryes sone
For now haue I on true contrycyon
And lette vs go now without taryenge
Good dedes haue we clere our rekenynge.
Good dedes.
Ye in dede I haue here.
Euery man.
Than I trust we nede not fere
Now frendes let vs not parte in
Nay euery man that wyll we not certayne.
Good dedes.
Yet must thou led with the
Three persones of grete myght.
Euery man.
Who sholde they be.
Good dedes.
Dyscrecyon and strength they hyght
And thy beaute may not abyde behynde.
Also ye must call to mynde
Your fyue wyttes as for your counseylours.
Good dedes.
You must haue them redy at all houres.
Euery man.
How shall I get them hyder.
You must call them all togyder
And they wyll here you in contynent.
Euery man.
My frendes come hyder and be present
Dyscrecyon strengthe my fyue wyttes
and beaute.
Here at your wyll we be all redy
What wyll ye that we sholde do.
Good dedes.
That ye wolde with euery man go
And helpe hym in his pylgrymage
Aduyse you wyll ye with him or not
in that vyage.
We wyll brynge hym all thyder
To his helpe and comforte ye may
beleue me.
So wyll we go with him all togyder.
Euery man.
Almyghty god loued myght thou be
I gyue the laude that I haue hyder
Strength dyscrecyon beaute &
.v. wyttes lack I nought
And my good dedes with knowlege
All be in my company at my wyll
I desyre no more to my besynes.
And I strength wyll by you stande
in dystres
Though thou wolde I batayle fyght
in the grounde.
V. wyttes
And though it were thrugh the worlde
We wyll not departe for swete ne
No more wyll I vnto dethes houre
What so euer therof befall.
Euery man aduyse you fyrst of all
Go with a good aduysement and delyberacyon
We all gyue you vertuous monycyon
That all shall be well.
Euery man.
My frendes harken what what I wyll
I praye god rewarde you in his heuen
Now herken all that be here
For I wyll make my testament
Here before you all present
In almes halfe my good I wyll gyue
wt my handes twayne
In the way of charyte wt
good entent
And the other halfe styll shall
In queth to be retourned there it
ought to be
This I do in despyte of the fende
of hell
To go quyte out of his perell
Euer after and this daye.
Euery man herken what I saye
Go to presthode I you aduyse
And receyue of him in ony wyse
The holy sacrment and oyntement
Than shortly se ye tourne agayne
We wyll all abyde you here.
V. wittes.
Ye euery man hye you that ye redy
There is no Emperour Kinge Duke
ne Baron
That of god hath commycyon
As hath the leest preest in the
worlde beynge
For of the blessyd sacramentes pure
and benygne
He bereth the keyes and therof hath
the cure
For mannes redempcyon it is euer
Whiche god for our soules medycyne
Gaue vs out of his herte with grete
Here in this transytory lyfe for
the and me
The blessed sacramentes .vii. there
Baptym confyrmacyon with preesthode
And ye sacrament of goddes
precyous flesshe & blod
Maryage the holy extreme vnccyon
and penaunce
These seuen be good to haue in remembraunce
Gracyous sacramentes of hye deuy[n]yte.
Euery man.
Fayne wolde I receyue that holy
And mekely to my ghostly fader I
wyll go.
V. wittes.
Euery man that is the best that
ye can do
God wyll you to saluacyon brynge
For preesthode excedeth all other
To vs holy scrypture they do teche
And conuerteth man fro synne heuen
to reche
God hath to them more power gyuen
Than to ony aungell that is in heuen
With .v. wordes he may consecrate
Goddes body in flesse and blode
to make
And handleth his maker bytwene his
The preest byndeth and vnbyndeth
all bandes
Both in erthe and in heuen
Thou mynystres all the sacramentes
Though we kysse thy fete thou were
Thou arte surgyon that cureth synne
No remedy we fynde vnder god
Bute all onely preesthode
Euery man god gaue preest that dygnyte
And setteth them in his stede amonge
vs to be
Thus be they aboue aungelles in
If preestes be good it is so surely
But whan Iesu hanged on ye
crosse wt grete smarte
There he gaue out of his blessyd
The same sacrament in grete tourment
He solde them not to vs that lorde
Therefore saynt peter the apostell
dothe saye
That Iesus curse hath all they
Whiche god theyr sauyour do by or
Or they for ony money do take or
Synfull preeste gyueth the synners
example bad
Theyr chyldren sytteth by other
mennes fyres I haue harde
And some haunteth womens company
With vnclene lyfe as lustes of lechery
These be with synne made blynde.
V. wittes.
I trust to god no suche may we fynde
Therfore let vs preesthode honour
And followe theyr doctryne for our
soules socoure
We be theyr shepe and they shepeherdes
By whome we all be kepte in suerte
Peas for yonder I se euery man come
Whiche hath made true satysfaccyon.
Good dedes.
Me thynke it is he in dede.
Every man.
Now Iesu be your alder spede
I haue receyued the sacrament for
my redemcyon
And than myne extreme vnccyon
Blessyd be all they that counseyled
me to take it
And now frendes let vs go with out
longer respyte
I thanke god that ye haue taryed
so longe
Now set eche of you on this rodde
your honde
And shortely folowe me
I go before there I wolde be [
] God be your gyde.
Euery man we wyll not fro you go
Tyll ye haue done this vyage longe.
I dyscrecyon wyll byde by you also.
And though this pylgrymage be neuer
so stronge
I wyll neuer parte you fro
Euery man I wyll be as sure by the
As euer I dyde by Iudas Machabee.
Euery man.
Alas I am so faynt I may not stande
My lymmes vnder me doth folde
Frendes let vs not tourne agayne
to this lande
Not for all the worldes golde
For in this caue must I crepe
And tourne to erth and there to
What in this graue alas.
Euery man.
Ye there shall ye consume more and
And what sholde I smoder here.
Euery man.
Ye by my fayth and neuer more appere
In this worlde lyue no more we shall
But in heuen before the hyest lorde
of all.
I crosse out all this adewe by saynt
I take my tappe in my lappe and
am gone.
Euery man.
What beaute whyder wyll ye.
Peas I am defe I loke not behynde
Not & thou woldest gyue me all
ye golde in thy chest.
Euery man.
Alas wherto may I truste
Beaute gothe fast awaye from me
She promysed with me to lyue and
Euery man I wyll the also forsake
and denye
Thy game lyketh me not at all.
Euery man.
Why than ye wyll forsake me all
Swete strength tary a lytell space.
Nay syr by the rode of grace
I will hye me from the fast
Though thou wepe to thy herte to
Euery man.
Ye wolde euer byde by me ye sayd.
Ye I haue you ferre ynoughe conueyde
Ye be olde ynoughe I vnderstande
Your pylgrymage to take on hande
I repent me that I hyder came.
Euery man.
Strength you to dysplease I am to
Wyll ye breke promyse that is dette.
In fayth I care not
Thou arte but a foole to complayne
You spende your speche and wast
your brayne
Go thryst the in to the grounde.
Euery man.
I had wende surer I shulde you haue
He that trusteth in his strength
She hym deceyueth at the length
Bothe strength and beaute forsaketh
Yet they promysed me fayre and louyngly.
Euery man I will after strength
be gone
As for me I will leue you alone.
Euery man.
Why dyscrecyon wyll ye forsake me.
Ye in fayth I wyll go fro the
For whan strength goth before
I folowe after euer more.
Euery man.
Yet I pray the for the loue of the
Loke in my graue ones pyteously.
Nay so nye wyll I not come
Fare well euerychone.
Euery man.
O all thynge fayleth saue god alone
Beaute strength and discrecyon
For whan deth bloweth his blast
They all renne fro me full fast.
V. wittes.
Euery man my leue now of the I take
I wyll folowe the other for here
I the forsake.
Euery man.
Alas than may I wayle and wepe
For I took you for my best frende.
V. wittes.
I wyll no lenger the kepe
Now fare well and there an ende.
Euery man.
O Iesu helpe all hath forsaken me.
Good dedes.
Nay euey man I will byde with the
I wyll not forsake the in dede
Thou shalte fynde me a good frende
at nede.
Euery man.
Gramercy good dedes now may I true
frendes se
They haue forsaken me euerychone
I loued them better than my good
dedes alone
Knowlege wyll ye forsake me also.
Ye euery man whan ye to deth shall
But not yet for no maner of daunger.
Euery man.
Gramercy knowlege with all my herte.
Nay yet I wyll not from hens departe
Tyll I se where ye shall be come.
Euery man.
Me thynke alas that I must be gone
To make my rekenynge and my dettes
For I se my tyme is nye spent awaye
Take example all ye that this do
here or se
How they that I loue best do forsake
Excepte my good dedes that bydeth
Good dedes.
All erthly thynges is but vanyte
Beaute strength and dyscrecyon do
man forsake
Folysshe frendes and kynnesmen that
fayre spake
All fleeth saue good dedes and that
am I.
Euery man.
Haue mercy on me god moost myghty
And stande by me thou moder &
mayde holy Mary
Good dedes.
Fere not I wyll speke for the.
Euery man.
Here I crye god mercy.
Good dedes.
Shorte oure ende and mynysshe our
Let vs go and neuer come agayne.
Euery man.
In to thy handes lorde my soule
I commende
Receyue it lorde that it be not
As thou me boughtest so me defende
And saue me from the fendes boost
That I may appere with that blessyd
That shall be saued at the day of
(in manus tuas) of myghtes moost
For euer (Commendo spiritum meum.)
Now hath he suffred that we all
shall endure
The good dedes shall make all sure
Now hath he made endynge
Me thynketh that I here aungelles
And make grete Ioy and melody
Where euery mannes soule recyued
shall be.
The aungell.
Come excellent electe spouse to
Here aboue thou shalte go
Bycause of thy syngular vertue
Now the soule is taken the body
Thy rekenynge is crystall clere
Now shalte thou in to the heuenly
Vnto the whiche all ye shall come
That lyueth well before the daye
of dome.
This morall men may haue in mynde
Ye hearers take it of worth olde
and yonge
And forsake pryde for he deceyueth
you in the ende
And remembre beaute .v. wyttes strength
& dy[s]crecion
They all at the last do euery man
Saue his good dedes there dothe
he take
But be ware and they be small
Before god he hath no helpe at all
None excuse may be there for euery
Alas how shall he do than
For after dethe amendes may no man
For than mercy and pyte doth hym
If his rekenynge be not clere whan
he doth come
God wyll saye (ite maledicti in
ignem eternum)
And he that hath his accounte hole
and sounde
Hye in heuen he shall be crounde
Vnto whiche place god brynge vs
all thyder
That we may lyue body and soule
Therto helpe the trynyte
Amen saye ye for saynt charyte.
Thus endeth this morall
playe of euery man.
Imprynted at London
in Poules
Chyrche yarde by me
Johnn Skot.